Friday, May 14, 2010

April 18th 2009 ~ Building in IW

I have taken to Building again... I have a new Dream now in Inworldz & I think this is where I might settle on to Build my Dream. I have already begun my Building... its on Flat land so I dont have to navigate in or around hills & mountains, so much easier to build upon. I am getting a feel for the place I am in Building on & I like the feeling I am getting, so this will be the Sim I will purchase ~ just need to put everything in place ready before I hit that Pay button & commit to the subscriptions.

I believe Inworlds Could work because it has a Team of ppl dedicated to making it work. Foundations are already set in place... yes its beta, and there are bound to be Hiccups along the way, but I feel this Team will listen & will fix problems & bugs as they appear.

I feel deeply for my newfound friends in OLG who have already sunk too much in to that grid to just pull out now, so they go on hoping each day that things will change... I just do not feel that they will do anytime soon, that is why I pulled out, I only wish I had not just made my last tier payment the day before I made that decision. I had doubts before I paid, then decided to give it 1 more Month......... I should always listen to my own inner voice because it never guides me wrongly.

Now back to my New Dream

The Beginnings...

My Grand Staircase... always wanted to try building these, I have never been able to get stairs right before.... now look...

Fit for a Queen hehehe

Taking Shape

days end.... smiles with satisfaction!

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