Monday, July 25, 2011

Should we stay or should we go?... oh what to do, what to do???

Greetings all..

I have read a few blogs recently, Lalo's most especially very detailed & informative blog, which made me think that maybe it was time to move our blogs over to wordpress too as I know many others have already done.. but I dont like too much change it throws me out of sequence completely! I have backed up our blogs to my HD & do advise everyone of you to at least do that... I have also uploaded 2 of them to wordpress now here is my Dilema, although you can backup & then import your Blog to wordress... you then have to go through sorting out all the posts coz it doesnt save them exactly as they are here.. it doesnt save the seperate pages or widgets etc & that all takes time to sort out, thats if you can even find the same sort of widget you were using here, which as yet I havent. Though I am beginning to like the set up over at wordpress, you can have more pages for one thing, here you can only have 10. I still have to find templates that i like & that give me what I need for each blog..... sighs... I suppose its just making that final step... I have already had to move this blog once from ning when they stopped all free sites.... Oh I hate changes! gggrrsssss

I will probably end up making the move & when I do I will post it here, till then see you all InWorldz ;)
Rosa ;)


  1. I'm in the same dilemma. I think, when it comes to free stuff that you are at someone else's mercy. I started paying for my email years ago when yahoo messed me about, then I started paying for Flickr because I wanted my photos kept guess the next thing is to pay for my blog. Free blogs at Wordpress don't have the same number of widgets and little opportunity to customise altho there are many different themes.

    I don't think Google will shut you down unless you try to open a Google + account.

  2. Stay for now. Personally, I don't see a reason to switch to wordpress at the moment. A lot of people did move their blogs but there's no reason to jump on the bandwagon and panic. In their TOS google states that you can use blogger to post anonymously/with a pseudonym so at the moment you don't have to move unless of course you like wordpress better.
    But as soror said I don't think you'll have a problem with your blog.

  3. I moved because I had one of my blogspot blogs (the one for my new hair designs closed without any notice at all. No it wasn't related to Google+ but the fact was it made me very uneasy and unable to trust that they wouldn't also delete my main blog that I had worked so hard for. Like Soror says, it's free a free service, and we're at someone else's mercy, yes, maybe even with wordpress. But so far, I feel the trust factor is higher for me with Wordpress. You're already keeping backups of your blogs so I wouldn't worry too much. May as well stay and for you it would be easy to move later if you ever decided to. No wrong answers really :)


  4. You don't have to be hosted on to use wordpress as your blog software. I typically register my own domain, anywhere, and wordpress is typically a couple of mouse-clicks to get installed. For example, I register my domain on one registration site and host it on Then press the WordPress button and tada a blog. I can pick any WordPress theme I want, and there is a huge variety with different layouts and options and widgets available.

    That is exactly what I did for which is a WordPress blog.

    My actual "blog" at is currently still on Blogger, but I am going to be moving that to break free of Google services as much as possible. And because I find Blogger too limited compared to WordPress.

    One of the things I like about WordPress is the depth of choices of themes, and the plug-and-play nature of those. You can spend a night trying dozens different themes for your blog until you find the couple that you like the best, then you can fine-tune it with widgets or whatever. Look what I did with and you can see it's more flexible than most blog software with prepackaged widgets that just work, and others that are easily configured.

  5. Thanks everyone for your comments.. Yes Jim spent the best part of my morning trying out themes lol. I guess I will hang fast till I have them all settled in place over there ;)
